
Pavlok 2 - Change Your Habits with Electric Shock

Pavlok 2 vibrates, beeps, and releases electric impulses to reward good behaviors and stop bad ones.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fri Jul 21 '17 Announcement
about 7 years ago – Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 01:32:49 PM

Hello, Pavlok 2 Backers!

I’m getting veryyyyy excited — Pavlok 2 is starting to become real!

On Monday, we are going to be sending out a Backer Kit survey, where you will get to select your accessory and module color (woohoo stretch goal!)


Besides that, we’ve been

  • Getting the Pavlok 2 Firmware to parity with Pavlok 1 (ETA: 1.5 weeks)
  • Designing the new app (new core app foundation is done, DNA module is 1.5 weeks away. Rise late August)
  • Getting new perimeter band tooled and ordering parts for the new units
  • Finalizing manufacturing so we can get the units on time.

We’ll be sending out the email to choose your color / accessories on Monday, so look out for it!

-Maneesh Sethi


Wed Jul 12 '17 Announcement
about 7 years ago – Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 07:40:56 AM

Hi Again!


After we sent the survey yesterday asking everyone for their color/accessory preferences, we were actually pretty surprised by the results... we're glad we asked you all for your opinions! The Watch Clip proved to be much more popular than we expected, as did the black body for the Pavlok 2 module.


If you haven't filled out the survey (and most of you haven't), please fill it out RIGHT NOW! It's only two questions, and we're going to be placing the orders for our manufacturer at the end of this week so that they can arrive in time for September shipments.


For the Curious among you, here are the results so far:


We'll be closing the survey at the end of today, so please answer these two questions now!

Tue Jul 11 '17 Announcement
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 08:58:33 AM

Hi Pavlokians!


We're getting ready to place orders with our manufacturers, and we need your help estimating the correct quantity of each color/accessory to order. Please fill out the survey below to let us know what your preference is likely to be when it comes time to confirm shipping.


Please note: This is not your final selection. This is only to help us estimate quantities for manufacturing.


DNA backers: Both the colored modules and the new Perimeter Band and Watch Clip will not be manufactured in time for your July shipments (happening in the next two weeks). You'll be shipped a Pavlok 2 with a black module body and a silicone wristband. If you would like to have a colored body module we can arrange for an exchange when the colored bodies become available in September. This offer will extend (one time) to accessories as well, as a way of saying thank you for being a DNA backer.


Okay enough disclaimers, here's the link to the survey:


Please fill it out today if you'd like your response counted! We need this information ASAP for manufacturing.


Development Update

Our firmware development is making progress, and we're very close to having Pavlok 2 paired with the Pavlok Core app (no more need for a separate development app!). This is great news for DNA backers, in particular iOS (currently the development app is Android only, but that will be changing soon).


Once the Pavlok 2 app becomes a module inside of the Pavlok Core app, we'll be able to send daily training tasks to everyone... stay tuned for more updates on that :)

Sat Jul 1 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 01, 2017 at 04:34:34 AM

That’s A Wrap

What a way to cap an amazing Indiegogo campaign. We crossed the $100,000 mark with only 17 hours left in the campaign and ended up raising $108,801 total. Thank you to everyone who contributed! We really could not have done this without you, and we’re so thankful for your support

Fri Jun 30 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 08:27:17 AM

Pavlok 2 Has Raised $100,000!!!


Hey backers! Thank you so much for helping us reach this milestone. We are especially excited because this means that we've unlocked our $100,000 stretch goal: building an accountability bot!


Now the question is... how high can we go?


For those of you who are thinking about adding any of the perks that are currently offered, please be aware that many will be disappearing as soon as the campaign ends, including:


- Upgrade To All Accessories For $29

- 30 Minute Coaching Call w/Pavlok Founder Maneesh Sethi

- $129 Pavlok 2 Early Bird (will become $149+ post-campaign)

- The secret get a second Pavlok 2 perk that was emailed to everyone


So if you're on the fence, please know that this is LAST CALL!!!


Share The Campaign

Please please please share the campaign with your friends! Let them know about the exciting features that we'll be developing. Every dollar we raise makes it easier to hit our goal of developing all of the features in time for the September launch.


Use your referral link when sharing and earn free upgrades! Details are at



There's More Good News

Pavlok 2's have started shipping.

That's not a typo.



Earlier this week we shipped the very first batch of Pavlok 2's ever to a handful of people who purchased before our Indiegogo campaign was even live. They'll be joining the DNA program along with everyone who chose a DNA perk during the campaign.


We're getting the next batch of first-run Pavlok 2's from our manufacturer within the next two weeks, and we plan to ship to DNA backers around the middle of July. We'll be sending your accessory choice surveys out next week, so keep your eyes on your email!


That's all for now, but expect to hear more from us within the next 24 hours... the end of the campaign is always an exciting time!