
Pavlok 2 - Change Your Habits with Electric Shock

Pavlok 2 vibrates, beeps, and releases electric impulses to reward good behaviors and stop bad ones.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thu Nov 30 '17 Announcement
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 02:05:32 AM


The last 2 weeks we have been working hard on getting as many Pavlok 2s out as possible. It’s been taking longer than expected, and we are looking at getting extra staff in this week to finish getting them all out. 


We are striving to be a transparent company, but also do not want to make excuses for why we have not yet shipped all of your orders. 


The truth is that there have been many small factors that combined has limited our ability to fulfil orders as quickly as we wanted to. 


As a small self-funded company, these factors can affect us much more than your established company. However I can assure you that every member of the Pavlok team genuinely cares about you as a customer, and we are all working hard on delivering and developing a life-changing product. 


Instead of explaining what these are one by one, we have focusing our efforts on resolving these as quickly as possible. 


Our shipping partner has assured us all Pavlok 2 preorders will be shipped by next Monday. We are putting a lot of pressure on them to meet this target. You will receive an email confirmation as soon as your order ships, which contains live tracking.


There has been an issue where orders have not been going out in the order they were placed, and we are doing are best to make sure the earliest orders are fulfilled first when possible.


On behalf of the Pavlok team, I want to reaffirm our commitment to delivering you your Pavlok 2. We know you have all been incredibly patient in waiting for your Pavlok 2s, and we are so grateful of this. The Pavlok 2 is a product funded by all of you, and wouldn’t exist without your contributions to the campaign.


We do not just want to get you your Pavlok 2, we want to help you break your bad habits and also great good ones. That is the number one goal of our company, and a core part of our companies mission statement.


Please if you have any questions or concerns, the best way to get a hold of us is by emailing [email protected]

Tue Nov 14 '17 Announcement
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 05:29:16 AM

We are finally here! Pavlok 2 shipping starts this week!

Thank you all again for all the patience you have shown while supporting our Pavlok 2 campaign. 

It means a lot to us, and we look forward to breaking bad habits & creating good ones with each and every one of you.

Since the last update, the whole Pavlok team have been working hard on the Pavlok 2. Either in preparation to ship, or tirelessly improving the software and app features that work alongside it.

We do understand it's taken longer than expected to share this product with you, but we are certain it is something you will love as much as us.

The first few hundred are arriving at the shipping centre this week, and will be going out to the earliest backers straight away.

The goal is to have all 1,300+ orders shipped out by the end of next week.

Have a great week, and we will update you again soon!

Wed Nov 1 '17 Announcement
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 03:02:37 PM

We’re getting real close to shipping time, and we cannot wait to share the Pavlok 2 with you of all. --- Thanks again for your patience!

Below is some very important information about your Pavlok 2 shipments. Please read fully.

This is why we are setting some deadlines for updating your orders and shipping addresses.

The last day to make final updates to your order is Friday November 3rd. After this date, we will lock your reward selections and you will not be able to make any further changes.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under “Lost your survey?” on our BackerKit project page at

Once we have done this we plan to charge cards for add-on items you purchased or any additional funds you may owe through BackerKit on Monday 6th November. Make sure that you have the correct card information on file. If any issues arise with your payment you’ll receive an email letting you know to correct your payment information.

Monday will also be the last day that you can change your shipping address. This can be done through the same link above anytime until 5PM Eastern.


*DNA Backers your addresses are locking in today so please do this now or contact us now if you need to make any changes and are unable to.

Fri Oct 27 '17 Announcement
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 10:42:57 AM

Thanks for your continued patience in waiting for your Pavlok 2s.

We do understand that over the last couple of months, here at Pavlok we have used the words ‘shortly’ and ‘soon’ more than we should have.It’s understandable that this can be a frustrating situation you’ve been in, and something we never meant to do.

We’re sure the reason you’re reading this email is to find out when you’re getting your Pavlok 2.

Our engineers have all the parts to assemble 3,000 Pavlok 2s and are currently working on putting them together. Once this is done, they will be sent to our shipping partner so they can start to assemble your orders.

We expect this to be done, and orders to start shipping by November 15th.  It will likely take 1-2 weeks to ship the thousands of preorders we received, which will be done in the order of which we received them.

It’s very important if your address has changed, please change it in Indiegogo now.

We’re certain the wait will be worth it, we are very excited about this amazing new product.

For clarity the main hold ups in the delivery of your device were:

OTA updates - It took longer than expected to build this function into the hardware. This is vital as it allows your Pavlok 2 to update firmware wirelessly, allowing us to push updates and fixes to you through the app.

Alarm Clock features in the new app - As the app was built from the bottom up, this was a key feature we wanted working before we shipped to you.


Now that these have been resolved, we’re confident to ship your devices to you.


While resolving this, we were also able to build in some exciting new features including :


A bug reporting system - Allowing us to be able to identify and fix issues much faster than in the old app


Adding Volts digital currency into the app - This will let you start earning volts as soon as you start using your Pavlok 2.


The App Vault. Spend your volts on unlocking habit breaking courses, amazing games, and challenges.


A voting system. Vote for new features for the app, courses, and habits, so we can build it around what Pavlok users really want & need.


Luke Woodhatch

Community Manager


Mon Oct 9 '17 Announcement
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Oct 09, 2017 at 12:12:40 PM

Hey guys!

(Psst -- Want to be one of the very first people to beta test the new Pavlok Core App? You'll be asked to let us know about bugs and feature requests

Fill out this survey to apply, )

We are getting VERY close to releasing the Pavlok Core App to all of our users. The Pavlok Core App is a HUGE leap in developing out Pavlok to be a platform for behavior change.

Pavlok is designed in 3 parts.

Pavlok Wear - the physical Pavlok 2 Module + the accessory to wear it

Pavlok Apps - Pavlok Apps are courses, integrations, entertainment and more -- designed by ourselves or by 3rd-party developers. These Apps are accessible via the Pavlok Core App, and are unlocked by spending Volts.

What are Volts?

Volts - our digital currency that rewards you for positive behaviors.

You earn volts by contributing to the community and/or performing healthy behaviors that you enjoy.

You can use your Volts to unlock Apps and products in our platform and to buy goods and services. For example: courses, coaching, entertainment, and more.

Here's a quick demo of the new Pavlok Core App.

As we prepare to ship Pavlok 2, we are looking for people interested in testing out the app and sharing their story!

If you're interested in being a beta tester, please:

Fill out this survey.

We'll get in touch with a group of you and request you to test out the app and take screenshots if you find any bugs or issues. You don't need the hardware.

Thanks! Can't wait to post this app update to the world.

-Maneesh Sethi